
Showing posts from May, 2021

Bimonthly medicine assignment

ROLL NO : 50 NAME: K.LASYA MITHRA GASTRENTROLOGY   CASE:1 QUESTION 1 :   Evolution of symptomology : ·         5 yrs back patient had pain abdomen & vomitings - was taken to a local hospital and treated conservatively. ·         He stopped taking alcohol - advised by the physician and was symptom free for nearly 3 yrs.        ·         again started alcohol consumption following which he had recurrent episodes of                pain abdomen & vomiting  ·         Last year he had almost 5-6 episodes and got treated by a local RMP.       ·         past 20 days – he consumed increased amount of   alcohol (5 bottles of toddy per              day)   ·         last alcohol - 1 week back following which he again had pain abdomen & vomiting from 1 week and fever from 4 days.       ·         Presently patient complained of pain in umbilical, left hypochondriac, left                        lumbar and hypogastric region. ·         Pain – throbbing type and rad